About Aditio Consulting

Information about the company

ADITIO Consulting started its activities in 2004.

Based on its founder's experience, the company focuses on the often underestimated scope of the IT Infrastructure. Involved in consulting and project management on the behalf of Infrastructure Managers or IT CTOs,  Aditio Consulting has proven its added value, by  its relevant approach and methods, coming with the pragmatic prioritization of the expected results. For us the quality of the IT Performance, the cost control and the respect of deadlines are the 3 key indicators.


ADITIO Consulting relies upon highly experienced profiles, and brings to its customers, decision makers in the information system:

  • a complete experience of the I.S. components and resources, both on final clients and suppliers sides, with a  watchful care to  business challenges and to quality of service. That experience of the IT services operation model and related processes is backgrounded by the market best practices, including the Certification ITIL V3 Foundation.
  • actual continuous involvment in international projects, involving practice in English language,
  • up to date awareness in key domains: LAN architectures and technologies (broadband, switching, VLANs, routing,...), WAN solutions and  telecommunications offerings, wireless indoor (WiFi) and outdoor networks, solutions for  continuity of service and redundant architectures, security,...

Why "Aditio" - for the curious ones

The ADITIO acronym stands for ADvising on Information Technologies Infrastructures & Operations.
In the core adITio name are the ITI, Information Technology Infrastructures, which are the foundation for solid and reliiable Information Services Operations and Delivery.
Aditio  could also be a latin word (derived from the verb adeo, go and see someone), meaning the action of going towards somebody, and by extension, to go and see someone and consult, or conversely, to go... and give advices.

Wish to join us ?...

You are looking for a new opportunity for collaboration, either occasional or sustainable.
You have more than 10 years experience in the Information Technologies and Services, and practice in the development of architectures and/or service contracts.
You are a freelance consultant with know-how or expertise which match our working areas..

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