Customer stories
Real customer cases are summarized here for explanatory purposes and are a part of the references and experiences of Aditio Consulting.
For privacy reasons, Aditio does not publicly communicate the name of companies mentioned in the case studies.
When addressing your specific requirements, it will be possible to present more detailed meaningful experiences.
International Telecom Request For Proposals (RFP)
Customer: an International Retail Company
Context: competitive RFP for ending contracts, covering Europe and Asia areas. Beyond the purely cost based approach (every new quotation will result in cost decrease), it was an opportunity to refine functional needs, service levels, and follow-up tools. Two major improvements are gained:
- service levels are improved and guaranteed, with KPI's and follow-up tools and processes.
- the catalog of services is based on fixed prices, improving budget planning fr the customer.
Additional RFP references :
- a French manufacturer, worldwide leader in their industry - RFP and rollout of an international telecom services contract.
- Subsidiary of a world class manufacturer: RFP, rollout and setup of operations for the retail and services network (850 locations)
Key assets: technical domain and services offer awareness, RFP management methodology, independence from providers.
Other RFPs in the Technical and Service provision areas
Customer: the French subsidiary of a world-class manufacturer - Muliple projects, e.g.:
- wireless handheld data entry terminals: functional requirements, RFP, test acceptance, rollout plan and recommendations.
- Local Area Networks: RFPs, integration/migration, contract follow-up.
- Open Systems and Business Services Hosting
Key assets: interface between technical specs and functional requirements, RFP methodology, suppliers neutrality.
Infrastructure Project involving multiple skills
Customer: undisclosed
Context: planning and opening of a brand new building for marketing and sales operations.
Mission scope and target: manage all IT related projects/services for the new location, from wiring to internal multimedia services, including LAN, wireless, acess control, etc... Some key figures and facts:
- 18 month project, 200 work days on the project.
- management and coordination of more than 20 vendors and service providers
- management of 5 RFPs/RFQs
- move of 300 people IT assets
- no service failure when the location opened
Key assets: service and result-focussed mindset, experience of overall infrastructure topics. "No omission" care.
Governance of IT Services
Objective: after acquisitions over three continents, the Corporate IT Department is expanding (new governance and team) and is initiating a step-by-step launch of shared or mutualized Infrastructure Services.
Realization: from a strategic analysis, development of a roadmap for Infrastructure Services and first release of a service catalog. Integration with the IS Master Plan.
Client 2: retail and services subsidiary of a world-class manufacturer.
Context: improvement of services provided to distributors and service providers network.
Achievements: analysis of the whole process and business services made available to distributors and customers.
Analysis and cartography of provided services. Assessment and improvement Plan. Launch of calls for tenders in the IT perimeter (Telecom provisioning services, Service Desk).
Key assets: experience and commitment to Service, ITIL V3 Foundation certification, overall wareness of Infrastructrue Service, abilty to builid a synthetic vision and to propose/discuss roadmaps.
Impact of technological change
Context: strategic Transformation of the Supply Chain and Logistics Information Systems. Implementation of SAP and a real time operating mode based on wireless terminals. Project frozen by ISSO and CISO responsibles, wireless networks being seen as poorly secured technologies.
Objective: Break the dead-end situation and builld a mutually agreed road map.
Realization: after a risk/threat analysis, and a listing of appropriate countermeasures, the project was validated by the Corporate ISSO entities. Then launch management of the project: specifications, tendering process, project plan, and launch of the deployment with transfer to the internal IT teams.