The context and its challenges
Faster, better, and at the lowest cost

The Enterprise context is growing globalization and increased competition. The Performance of the Information System has become a strategic business issue. It requires:
- the adaptability to mutations in the Enterprise and its economic environment,
- the availability and quality of service,
- the cost of ownership control.
Then, decision-makers in charge of the Information System periodically manage changes: introduction of new technologies, change of providers, geographic or organizational changes,...
Every significant change requires a clear vision of the objectives and a reliable control of the risks.
Every significant change requires a clear vision of the objectives and a reliable control of the risks.
The e-dependent company
The solutions and service providers responding to business requirements and their implementation within the I.S. are more numerous, and their quality is increasing.
- ERP, integrated software packages, webiized architectures, SOA, SAaS, Cloud...
- components: PC, nomad objects, OS, server blades, virtualization,...
- dedicated suppliers: hardware vendors, web agencies, hosting providers, operators,...
- the I.S. of a world-class airline company unavailable for a whole day
- the SNCF railway company unable to sell tickets at station offices during 24 hours...
- mobile telephony networks unavailable 12 or 24 h on all or part of a territory,
- some e-commerce companies impacted by facilities failures at their hosting provider...
Keeping control

IT Responsibles have to support the Entreprise evolution pace, and bring some flexibiity, while ensuring quality and availability. Thus, despite shorter and shorter deadlines for those changes, it is essential to
- verify and validate the expected the cost/benefit ratio,
- anticipate and control impacts (economic, technical, human,...)
- plan and provide the necessary accompanying measures: training, operational processes, evaluation,...
Ask and listen, get advice and assistance
"Chance only favours the prepared minds" (Louis Pasteur)
It is sometimes risky to underestimate the complexity of a change or its impacts. In such a transition situation, with important strategic and cost issues , and increasing pressure, the far-seeing decision maker should evaluate the best possible approach.